Having contracted with a professional web designer, the dentist may have a very nice looking home page, with attractive photos and even professional look. But the content can often be meaningless, boring or, worse yet, a turn off to potential and current patients.
While there are other pieces of information and ideas that may be beneficial to have on a Dentist's website, here are 5 things EVERY dentist's website should have easily accessible on or from their home page:
- A Map with Directions to the Office
Think like a patient. As with this entire list, consider the most common questions your receptionist answers on the phone. "Where's your office located?" Refer to any landmarks and stores/offices next to your own. - Office Hours
Include the days your open and your normal office hours. As a bonus, look into offering an online scheduling option for potential and current patients to request appointments. - Insurance Plans Accepted
At the end of the list of insurance plans you accept, whether long or short, include an invitation to potential patients with other insurance plans to call your office to discuss their options. - New Patient/Health History Forms
This will only save your patients and your office time if you tell new patients (or email them a link) to visit your website ahead of their visit in order to complete the forms. - Dentist AND (more importantly) Staff Bios and Photos
I'm sure most dentists are aware of the fact that their patients generally have a stronger relationship and more frequent conversations with their staff members than with the doctor. Make sure you have your staff members listed with bios and photos.
Once you have all of these items on your website, market it to your patients. Hang a snapshot of your home page in your waiting room (or place it on the front desk) with the printed question, "Have you visited our web site yet?"
Other great ideas for your website include an office newsletter, frequently asked questions about hygiene and oral health, and perhaps even your office's financial policy.
Doctors who add these five items to their websites and then consistently market it to their patients will find that they actually increase their business's efficiency and will eventually drive new business to the practice.
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